Fluffy the English Vampire Slayer is a humorous spoof of the popular Television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Though only one episode long (so far) the show is very funny and true to the show. Though some may dis the 18 minute film as an insult to the Buffy franchise. I beg to differ.
With campy English wit and an entertaining script, the show has all the charm you need to get you hooked.
I made this site for those out there who want to laugh along with me and take the movie for what it is, a very humorus Spoof of a very Popular TV Show.
This site is also here to express Fan Fiction. The Following are titles from the Fluffy Site for possible Episodes. I have taken these Titles and have written some Fiction based on them.
1. A New Town *
2. Farmer, Himself * 3. Beer Good 4. Lord Of The Ring ** 5. Goodbye, Basingstoke 6. Who Are We? 7. Shush 8. Dream Time
* is on the Fan Fiction section of this site.
** Is a Movie Made by Foiled Productions. You can expect 2 fictions from this. One based souly on the movie, and the other to be based on Fan Fictions written here.
I've been to the Fluffy website which does have a message board and the cast will occasionally pop by to comment on posts. It is here I asked them to answer a few questions about the production. I'm still working on getting those together, so check back for a new section for Behind the Scenes Fluffy action.